A Prayer for Our Village

The Monday Night Bible Study group has been exploring the ministry of praying blessings for others and have put together a prayer to bless the village. They hope that others in the church will find it useful:

Peasedown St John, I bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that He may protect the vulnerable and
those who struggle with mental and physical ill health,

granting them His shalom so that they and
all their relationships may flourish.

May God's Spirit give this whole village a longing to know God,
drawing them towards the one who created and loves them.
I bless your faithful people,
that God may encourage them with wisdom and understanding
as they grow in knowledge of Him and give increase of those who are being saved.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Messy Breakfast Church

Please come and join us for our first Messy Breakfast Church this Sunday, 7th January. Breakfast is being served from 9:30am, followed by a short time of worship at 10:30am and then a choice of staying in Church or taking part in some practical activities.

Family Carols and Harbour Nativity

Looking forward to the Harbour Nativity at the Family Carol Service this Sunday 17th December at 10.30am

Harvest 2023

Harvest Supper is on Saturday 23rd September starting at 6pm
with a bring and share meal, followed by games.
Please see Linda Day if you would like to come or if you are able to bring something. All are welcome. 

Harvest Festival is on Sunday 24th September at 10:30am
and this year we will be collecting items for the
Somer Valley Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis
Below is a list of the most needed items:

Milk Powder, Instant Mashed Potato, UHT Milk, Tuna, Mac Cheese (Tinned), Sponge Puddings, Coffee, Custard, Jam, Vegetable Soup, Tinned Vegetables, Meat Pies (Tinned), Razors and Shaving Products, Toilet Cleaner, Household Cleaner, Washing Up Liquid, Deodorant, Toilet Rolls, Hair Conditioner and Shampoo

Throughout the weekend we will also be having a collection for
All We Can – Methodist Relief and Development
All We Can is an international development and relief organisation, rooted in the Christian faith, working to see every person’s potential fulfilled. All We Can works through partnership alongside our global neighbours most impacted by disasters, poverty and injustice to enable flourishing and resilient communities.
Please give as generously as you can. Thank you.

EcoChurch Bronze Award

We are delighted to have been awarded an EcoChurch Bronze award, becoming the first Church in the Somer Valley area to do so.

EcoChurch is run by the Christian conservation group, A Rocha, and aims to encourage Churches to take the care of creation into every part of the life of the Church. The scheme asks Churches to look at five areas of Church life and to see what action they are taking in each area.

The first area is the Church’s worship and teaching – does care of God’s creation feature regularly in Church services and in teaching for all ages? Peasedown Methodist scored highly on this. But, it’s important that this is translated into action. The next three areas look at the environmental standard of the Church building, at the way that any land the Church owns is used and how the Church gets involved in community engagement both at home and abroad. So, in recent months the Church has twinned its garden with a garden in Kenya where women are being encouraged, through the Bath-based charity Ripple Effect, to grow crops in an environmentally friendly way.

Open The Book

Open the Book is a Bible Society project which offers Primary School children the opportunity to hear and be part of major Bible stories presented by a team of Christians from local churches.

We, in Peasedown St John, have people from all three churches in our team and every Thursday afternoon we go to Peasedown Primary School to present a Bible story to one half of the school, repeating it for the other half the next week.

We use the Lion Storyteller Bible and follow a handbook which guides us in our presentation. The children respond well and some assist us when we need 'extras' to act. It's a great way of getting Bible stories across to the youngsters.

As a team from all 3 churches in Peasedown, we really appreciate your prayers as we go into the school to bring these Bible stories to life. And if anyone is interested in joining the team (1 hour on a Thursday afternoon - not everyone comes every week), please do let us know.

This was Abraham, Sarah and one of the three messengers getting ready to tell the story 'God's Friends' to the older children at Peasedown Primary School by the Open the Book team a while ago. There was a lot of laughter, everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and we had a great group of children helping with the acting and the projector.

This completed a story begun a week or so before of Joseph, from his time with his brothers who envied him as he was Jacob's favourite, sold him into slavery, he was then imprisoned and, because God helped him to interpret dreams, he became second in importance to the Pharaoh. Again the children helped by acting as brothers and servants and it went down very well.

Relaunch of the Filling Station

in Peasedown

Starting Wednesday 3rd May, 7.45pm

at The Hive

The Filling Station will be relaunching on Wednesday 3rd May at The Hive. If you’ve not been to a Filling Station before it is a non-denominational mid-week Christian meeting gathering in a building that isn’t a church. These meetings are designed to ‘refuel’ Christians and draw together people who are in smaller, rural settings. Filling Station will be meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, gathering at 7.45pm with the meeting starting at 8pm and finishing between 9.30pm - 10pm.

For more information, please visit https://thefillingstation.org.uk/station/mendip-edge/

Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Appeal

This year the goal is to send two-thirds of shoeboxes from the UK to Ukraine or the neighbouring countries like Moldova and Romania that are hosting many Ukrainian refugee families. You can fill a shoebox and return it to church by Sunday 13th November or you can fill a virtual shoebox online at samaritans-purse.org.uk

Leaflets on what to pack in a shoebox and ready-made shoeboxes will be in the church porch.

Cake & Jumble Sale – Saturday 8th October, 10:30am

Proceeds from this sale will be used to help to meet the expected increases in fuel bills over the coming months.

Refreshments will also be available. Items can be brought to the Church in advance.

Day of Prayer

Thursday 6th January 2022

As our nation, along with the rest of the world, continues to wrestle
with the effects and uncertainties caused by Covid19, Methodist circuits
in the South West have been asked to join together in prayer on
Epiphany, Thursday 6th January 2022.

Please could you set aside some time on 6th January 2022, 
alone or with others, to pray for all those who:

  • have been bereaved by the virus
  • are suffering lasting effects from the virus (long Covid)
  • are working in the health and other services at a time of demand and uncertainty
  • have lost their jobs or businesses because of the restrictions
  • are anxious about the future
  • are elected to serve this and other nations at this time
  • are working hard to find new treatments to tackle Covid19
  • do not have access to vaccines - particularly remembering our global partners
  • lead our churches as we seek to discern our mission
  • have had their faith challenged and are uncertain about much

Please will you also use the Day of Prayer to ask what you/we
are being called to do and be as God’s Church
is reshaped in these uncertain days?

Terracycle Collection
Thursday 23rd & Saturday 25th September, 10am – 11.30am

There are so many things that can be recycled via Terracycle that won’t go in your green box:

Crisp and snack packets, pens and felt-tips, inkjet cartridges, oral health products, pet food pouches, bread bags, biscuit and cake wrappers, sweet wrappers and spectacles.

Repair Café
Saturday 25th September, 10am to 1pm

Following a short break in August the Repair Café will return in September, hopefully in the pre-Covid format with items able to be dropped off throughout the morning and refreshments available while you wait for the repairers to fix them!

The Harbour (Junior Church)

From Sunday 5th September our children will be joining us for the start of the Sunday service each week before going to take part in their own activities, which we now call "The Harbour".

It is 18 months since we have all joined together in this way and we look forward to all ages being able to worship together in Church.

Seeds & Lighthouse

Following the summer break our Seeds Baby & Toddler and Lighthouse groups will be restarting shortly. 

Lighthouse will start meeting again on
Thursday evenings 6.00pm - 7.00pm
from Thursday 9th September

Seeds will start meeting again on
Wednesday mornings 10.00am - 11.30am
from Wednesday 15th September

Sunday Services

We are pleased to announce that Sunday morning services in the Church building will resume on Sunday 18th April.

For the time being, we will continue to use the fortnightly rota, with the same A and B lists, starting with those on list A. If you can’t remember which list you are on please ask a steward! If it is not your week, please still come along as there should be a seat for you. The old schoolroom, with a fixed TV screen, will be available for additional seating.

Sunday Services continue to be broadcast live via the Church Facebook page and made available later each Sunday on the Church You Tube Channel. Alternatively copies of the service are available on DVD or CD.

Re-opening Seeds Baby & Toddler Group

We have thought carefully about the safest way to reopen Seeds and have plans to start on Wednesday 28th April with up to 10 adults along with their children in the Church garden for a "bring your own" picnic from 11:30am until 12:30pm. Parents will be required to sign up for the picnic through this Eventbrite link which will be available from 9:00am on Monday 12th April. 

Also starting on 28th April, we will have up to 6 mums with pre-walking babies meeting in the school room 10:00am – 11:00am. Anyone interested in joining the mums and babies’ group should contact Julie (our Children & Family Worker).

Church Open for Private Prayer

Every Wednesday from 10am – 12noon

Our weekly time for quiet prayer and reflection has now resumed each Wednesday from 10am – midday, just drop in for as long as you like.

In line with government guidance, face coverings must worn and social distancing rules observed.

Easter Day

10am – 12noon

In addition to live streaming the Easter morning service at 10:30am, we invite you to come to Church between 10am – 12noon to place flowers on the Easter cross, receive communion and to take part in a reflective Easter activity. These will all be outside within the Church grounds and you can take part in any or all of them and in any order.

NOTE: You will need to bring your own trowel to do the reflective activity. The car park will not be available for parking on this day.

Please maintain social distancing while in the Church grounds.

Children’s Easter Trail

Monday 5th to Friday 9th April

We will be holding a Children’s Easter Trail along Bath Road and Ashgrove from Monday 5th – Friday 9th April. The trail will start with a clue on the front door of the Church and then you need to follow the 10 clues to your final destination where you can collect a small prize. Although the trail is intended for children, anyone of any age may find it fun to do. You’ll need to take a pencil and paper with you as you will need to answer some questions along the way!

Seeds "Grab and Go Bag"

Wednesday mornings

9am – 9:45am

Starting this Wednesday, our Seeds Baby & Toddler Group will be giving out their "Grab & Go" Bags again from the church porch. This week (10th March) will be a Mother's Day special and will include a little gift for the mums, as well as a craft activity.

Many thanks to the Peasedown Community Trust who have donated £100 to help fund our "Grab & Go" bags.

Lent Reflection

Wednesday evenings, 7pm

Every Wednesday during Lent our Minister, Rev David Winstanley, will be broadcasting a short Lent Reflection via the Church Facebook page. Members of the Church congregation who live in the village should have received a Lent bag of items to accompany the reflection. If you don't have a bag, then the items you’ll need are: a small piece of sandpaper, a mirror, a shell, a small stone, a nightlight and a small flower bulb.

Lighthouse is Back!

After a 6-month break Lighthouse restarted on Thursday 1st October. For the first few weeks we are only inviting those who are currently in Years 4 - 6 and who have previously attended. Once we are used to following the necessary guidelines, we will invite new members to join. We are following strict hygiene and social distancing regulations in line with Government and Methodist Church guidance.

Seeds "Grab and Go Bag"

Wednesday mornings

9am – 9:45am

Our Seeds Parent and Toddler Group is not yet permitted to meet in the church building, so as a way of making ourselves available to our Seeds families, Marilyn and Julie are going be in the Church car park on Wednesday mornings to say hello to our families and give out a "Grab and Go Bag" which contains an activity to do at home.

Psalm Walks

Psalm Walks are a new way of worshipping and it is for all ages. It allows you to spend time alone with God or to share it with friends and family – remember to keep within covid restrictions.

Psalm walks will be produced for the 1st & 3rd Sundays in the month. During the week, please send Julie any of your thoughts, reflections, pictures, videos clips from your Psalm Walk and she will put them together to create some sort of response/feedback for the Sunday morning service on the 2nd & 4th Sundays.

You can go on your Psalm walk anywhere (even in your own garden) and at any time during the week, but if you are doing the Psalm Walk with children then why not join Julie for a Psalm Walk in the church garden on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month between 9.30am and 10.00am.

Sheets are available to download by clicking here. There is one for adults and a simplified version for children, but they both use the same Psalm and follow similar themes and ideas (you can tell which is the children’s one because it has a picture of some children in the top right corner). This is a great way to worship outdoors and we hope many people of all ages will get involved and be blessed through it.

Alpha on Zoom
Launches Friday 4th September at 8pm

St J's Group are running an on-line Alpha using Zoom, which is especially relevant now as there are restrictions on meeting together.

This will start on Friday Sept 4th at 8pm in the evening, and aiming to end around 9:15pm, with participants joining from the comfort of their own homes.

For anyone who is interested in coming along, please contact Heather initially (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) – we would like to have an idea of numbers to plan more or less helpers as necessary.

Alpha was first developed as a course for those already attending church, so anyone and everyone would be welcome!

Unlikely Heroes Virtual Holiday Club
Launches Saturday 25th July

The wait is nearly over, the fun is about to begin, the Unlikely Heroes Virtual Holiday Club will bring stories by roving reporters, games, crafts and ways to pray.

There are six episodes and each one will be released on consecutive Saturdays starting on 25th July. The episodes will remain on YouTube, and so you will be able to access them at any time after they have been released.

The club can be found on YouTube, just search “Unlikely Heroes Holiday Club” in YouTube and click to subscribe.

Why not spread the word and invite your friends to join in, they don’t even have to live in the local area!

Church Open for Private Prayer

Every Wednesday, 10am – 12noon

From Wednesday 8th July the Church will be open for private prayer. In line with government guidance for Covid-19, strict social distancing rules will be observed and a register of contact details of those attending will be taken, in case of a Covid-19 outbreak. Details on the register will be kept with consent for 3 weeks.

Prayer Walk

Every Friday, from 10:30am - 11:15am

From Friday 3rd July there will be an opportunity to join us for a socially distanced Prayer Walk, starting at the Church. In line with government guidance for Covid-19, strict social distancing rules will be observed.

In line with Government and Methodist Church guidelines it is with sadness that we have decided to suspend all public acts of worship, meetings and groups until further notice.

We will be live streaming a service on Sunday morning via the Church Facebook page and a video will be made available via the Church website.

Please continue to pray for our village, our country and the whole world at this difficult time.
God bless.

Unfortunately we have decided that it is necessary to cancel some further Church groups and events, all the following are now cancelled until further notice:


Seeds Toddler Group

Meet the Neighbours

Lunch Club

Monthly Breakfast


Please stay safe and watch this space for further updates

God Bless


As an act of mutual care and concern for those who attend 



Carols by Candle Light

Sunday 22nd December, 6pm

Traditional carol service with readings and your favourite carols.
Coffee and mince pies to follow.
All are welcome - Why not come along with your friends and family!


The Church will be open on Thursday 5th December & Thursday 12th December. If you're concerned about our nation and would like to offer prayer then please pop in anytime between 9am to 4pm. Come in for as little or long as you like, but please do come in

Sunday 8th December

2:30pm - 3:30pm

Carol service with the Midsomer Norton & District Brass Band and the children from our village primary school, followed by mince pies and tea/coffee. All welcome!

Monthly Breakfast &
Christmas Fair

Saturday 7th December

9am - 12noon

Why not come and join us for breakfast
and then do some Christmas shopping?

Gifts, raffle, cakes, tombola, refreshments and lots more.

Peasedown Repair Café

Saturday 23rd November

10am - 1pm

Repair Cafés help people repair more, share skills and dump less, and bring people together for a bit of fun all at the same time. No need to book, just turn up. Enjoy our pop up cafe while you wait. Donations welcome to help cover the costs and put on more repair cafes. Bring along your broken household items, bikes and clothes and our volunteers will help you get them fixed...for free.

Please note that this is last Repair Café in Peasedown until January.

Peasedown Repair Café

Saturday 26th October

10am - 1pm

Repair Cafés help people repair more, share skills and dump less, and bring people together for a bit of fun all at the same time. No need to book, just turn up. Enjoy our pop up cafe while you wait. Donations welcome to help cover the costs and put on more repair cafes. Bring along your broken household items, bikes and clothes and our volunteers will help you get them fixed...for free.

Handicraft Workshop

Saturday 9th November 2019

Our next Handicraft Workshop Day is on Saturday 9th November.
It is an opportunity to share ideas and learn a new craft or expand your knowledge and enjoy meeting new friends.

The cost for the day is £5.00 per person to include tea/coffee and soup at lunchtime, but is exclusive of materials. 

No experience is needed, but booking is essential.
All are welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult.

The crafts on offer will be:

Christmas Tree Decorations

Fantasy Dip Tab Centre

Faberge Egg Decoration


We meet monthly on Friday's, 3:30pm - 5:00pm


11th Oct 2019

8th Nov 2019

13th Dec 2019

10th Jan 2020

14th Feb 2020

13th Mar 2020

24th Apr 2020

12th Jun 2020

10th Jul 2020


Plus specials:

Messy Carols - Sunday 22nd December 2019

Messy Easter - Saturday 4th April 2020


Please note children must be accompanied by an adult

Messy Church is a way of being church for families involving fun. We use crafts and activities to explore Bible stories and share the love of God. All are welcome, children and adults.

Bric-a-Brac Sale
Saturday 7th September, 9am - 12 noon

We will be holding a Bric-a-Brac sale, including a sale of household items, during Monthly Breakfast on Saturday 7th September.

No donations of items for sale are required, however, donations of cakes would be most welcome. All proceeds for Dorothy House.

Churches in Peasedown are looking for a Senior Youth Worker

The postholder will be responsible for developing existing connections with the community, reaching young people in the community and helping develop regular drop-in sessions.

This will be the first of two part-time posts and will be for 18 hours a week. Salary £21,500 pro-rata (7% pension contribution).

The appointment will be made by Bath Youth for Christ on behalf of the Methodist Church, St John’s Church and St Joseph’s Catholic Church.

The successful candidate will be a committed Christian with a passion for mission and outreach with young people.

The ability to work both as part of a team and on your own is essential.

To find out how you could make a Christian difference among the young people in Peasedown please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01225 336055 for an application pack.

The closing date for applications is 12th September.

Peasedown Repair Café

Saturday 27th July, 10am - 1pm

There have been regular Repair Cafés all over Bath for two years and so we are delighted to be holding our second Repair Café in Peasedown. Repair Cafés help people repair more, share skills and dump less, and bring people together for a bit of fun all at the same time. No need to book, just turn up. Enjoy our pop up cafe while you wait. Donations welcome to help cover the costs and put on more repair cafes.

Bring along your broken household items, bikes and clothes and our volunteers will help you get them fixed...for free.

Peasedown Repair Café

Saturday 22nd June, 10am - 1pm

There have been regular Repair Cafés all over Bath for two years and so we are delighted to be launching in Peasedown. Repair Cafés help people repair more, share skills and dump less, and bring people together for a bit of fun all at the same time. No need to book, just turn up. Enjoy our pop up cafe while you wait. Donations welcome to help cover the costs and put on more repair cafes.

Bring along your broken household items, bikes and clothes and our volunteers will help you get them fixed...for free.

North East Somerset and Bath Methodist Circuit

has a vacancy for a

Part time Children & Family Worker

for Peasedown St John Methodist Church

We are looking for someone with a vibrant Christian Faith

To build on our successful work with young people and their families, and to lead and energise our children’s work and nurture their
Christian Faith

To pioneer new ways of reaching out to children and their families

20 hours per week in term time
(780 hours a year)

Basic salary £7800
Commencing September 2019

An information and application pack is available,
please contact Marilyn Martin at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Closing date for application 20th June 2019
Interviews week commencing 7th July 2019

An occupational requirement exists for the post-holder to be a practising Christian in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
The appointment requires an enhanced DBS Disclosure.

Church Campaign on

Single-use plastic

Single-use plastic is a major issue in polluting the environment and harming wildlife. As part of our work, Christian Action for the Environment in BANES (CAFE BANES) is asking Christians in the period up to 30th September to look out for the unnecessary use of single-use plastic and to write to the companies who use or sell them. There are templates for different circumstances. Please click the link below to download the templates and instructions for use.

Plastic Campaign Template (Word format)

24-7 Bath Prayer

Sunday 2nd - 9th June

Old School House (Genesis) South parade BA2 4AF (next to St John’s RC). For further information please visit on www.bathchurches.org.uk


(Christian Action for the Environment in B&NES)

Concerned for Creation?
Want to take action locally?
Want to share with other Christians?

Then why not come to a meeting of CAFE BANES a new ecumenical group to bring a Christian perspective on the environmental issues we face?

Monday 13th May @ 7.30pm
Chewton Keynsham Church, BS31 2BL

Repair Café Meeting

Friday 10th May at 7pm

Would you like to have a Repair Café in Peasedown?

A Repair Café is a place you can take items that are broken and volunteers will try to repair them so that they don’t go to landfill.

If you are interested in helping or just want to know more then why not come along to a meeting at Peasedown Methodist Church on Friday 10th May at 7pm.

Messy Palm Sunday

Sunday 14th April, 10:30am

Our Messy Church in April will be taking place on Sunday 14th April 10:30am rather than the normal Friday afternoon session! We will have all the usual songs, crafts, stories and cuppa and be finished by 12pm! Spread the word and we hope to see you there!


February Breakfast

We've had to postpone this months breakfast due to the weather, so it will now be on Saturday 9th February.

Messy Church

Friday 11th January
3:30pm - 5pm

Our first Messy Church of 2019 is on Friday 11th January from 3:30pm - 5pm. Theme is ‘New Beginnings’ and there will be the usual selection of crafts, activities, songs, talk and prayers. We would love to see you there!


Good Practice Training

Wednesday 9th January, 7pm

We are running a free good practice training session on Wednesday 9th January which is open to anyone working or volunteering with children and young people. Good practice compliments Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults to ensure that all those working with children and young people do so in a consistent and assured manner.

Spaces may be limited, so please contact Laura to book your place (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Village Carols

Sunday 9th December at 2:30pm

Peasedown St John Christians Together invites YOU to Village Carols at Peasedown St John Primary School on Sunday 9th December at 2:30pm.

With Radstock & Midsomer Norton Silver Band and singing by children from the Primary School, followed by mince pies and tea/coffee.

All are welcome!


Handicraft Workshop

Our next Handicraft Workshop Day is on Saturday 10th November. It is an opportunity to share ideas and learn a new craft or expand your knowledge and enjoy meeting new friends. All are welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult. The cost for the day is £5.00 per person to include tea/coffee and soup at lunchtime, but is exclusive of materials. No experience is needed, but booking is essential.



The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday 28th September is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer. Last year alone the charity raised over £27 million and together we can make this another successful year. Cancer has or will affect some of us or someone close to us and the money raised at a Coffee Morning will help MacMillan make sure no one has to face it alone.

We will be hosting a coffee morning for this amazing charity our church from 9 – 11 am. Please support us by coming along for a cuppa and a slice of something nice.

Bring a friend or two – we would love to see you! 

NEW!! Youth Club 

Every Thursday, 7:30pm-8:30pm

Our new youth club for school years 7 - 9 launches on Thursday 13th September.

Why not come along and bring your friends? 

We'd love to see you and it's FREE!

Lighthouse is back!

Every Thursday, 6pm - 7pm

It's a new term and we're ready to welcome this year's Year 3-6s!

Why not come try it out when we start back next Thursday (13th)?

Youth Club Taster Session

Thursday 19th July 2018


Do you know we will be running a Youth Club from September!?

If your child is currently in Year 6-8 they can come try it out on Thursday 19th July 7:30-8:30 before it launches in September!

There will be pizza and games and it's free! Who's in??

Get sharing to get the word out and let us know if you're coming to our new youth club!!

Lighthouse Taster Session for Year 2’s

Thursday 19th July 2018


Year 2’s are invited to come try out Lighthouse club before we start back on Thursday 13th September!

The session will involve lots of fun, games and food – and it's free!

We would love to see you there!

Peasedown Push Kart Race

Saturday 9th June 2018

Why not take part in Peasedown Push Kart Race 2018?

Design, Build and race your kart at Party in the Park 2018. Entry is FREE!

Click here for more info (opens in new window).

Christian Aid Week

15th‑21st May 2022

In Zimbabwe, the climate crisis is causing aching hunger for families like Jessica’s. For the first time in a generation, global poverty is rising. The combined effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, conflict, and drought have robbed communities like Jessica's of the power to provide for their children. It's unjust.

This Christian Aid Week:

  • We stand with the resilient women - like Jessica - who are determined to lift their families out of hunger
  • We raise our voices to call for climate justice
  • We pray that families will stay strong during times of drought

Together, we hope to restore justice to our world, and protect the future for our children and grandchildren.

Please give to help women grow crops that survive in the drought. You can help turn hunger into hope. There are now donation boxes at the Hive and the Meeting Place, or you can give online by following this link Christian Aid. Please give generously!

With every gift, every action, every prayer, every one of us can change lives.

New club for children in years 3 - 6 Launches Thursday 25th January

Messy Church + Carol Service = Messy Carols 

Sunday 10th December at 2:30pm
Village Christmas Carols
at Peasedown Primary School

Village Christmas Carols with Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band and the Peasedown St John Primary School Choir.

Mince pies and drinks to follow.

Everyone welcome.

Saturday 25th November

Messy Christmas, 10:30 - 12:00

Come and join in the seasonal fun at Messy Christmas as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus! A fun filling morning of crafts and activities for all the family and all for free! All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Christmas Fair, 12:00 - 14:00

Lunches, gifts, raffle, cakes, tombola, silly games and lots more. Start your Christmas shopping early!


MacMillan Coffee Morning

Thursday 28th September
9:30am - 11:00am

We are hosting a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Why not come along and enjoy a cup of coffee, a cake and a chat, whilst raising some money for this fantastic charity?

Our New Minister

We are delighted to welcome Rev David Winstanley, his wife Julie and their youngest daughter Charlotte to Peasedown St John. We look forward to meeting them and getting to know them.


Dear Lord,

We thank you for bringing David, Julie and Charlotte into our lives.
We pray that they will quickly settle in to their new home and that you will guide David in his ministry.


North East Somerset and Bath Methodist Circuit

has a vacancy for a

Part time Children & Family Worker

for Peasedown St John Methodist Church

We are looking for someone with a vibrant Christian Faith;

To build on our successful work with young people and their families, and to lead and energise our children’s work and nurture their
Christian Faith.

To pioneer new ways of reaching out to children and their families

15 hours per week
Basic salary £7800 per annum

Commencing as soon as possible after appointment

An information and application pack is available,
please contact Jill Souter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Closing date for application August 21st 2017
Interviews week commencing September 5th 2017

An occupational requirement exists for the post-holder to be a practising Christian in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
The appointment requires an enhanced DBS Disclosure.

Golden Years - Holiday at Home

On Thursday 6th & Friday 7th July we welcomed around 50 people to this year's Golden Years - Holiday at Home. On Thursday morning a variety of crafts were on offer, after which lunch was served. In the afternoon there was entertainment from the Somer Valley Singers, who were delighted to stay for tea. On Friday a coach took everyone to Dobbies in Shepton Mallet for lunch, followed by Burnham for an ice-cream, rounded off with a ride through Cheddar and a final photo in front of the Church.

Peasedown Push Kart Race 2017

On Saturday 10th June Peasedown held it's first Push Kart Race with what was the opening event of Peasedown Party in the Park 2017. Three karts and their teams competed for the honour of 1st place on the podium and numerous other teams of two completed for the honour of the fastest lap around the circuit. Thank you to everyone who took part and came along to support us. See you next year!