Harvest Talent Evening
Saturday 27 September 2014, 18:00

We hope for an all singing, all dancing evening of amazing entertainment. Well, in true Peasedown Methodist style. Seriously though this was fantastic last year, so please think about what you could offer, not only to the eagerly anticipating audience, but to God, who has so graciously showered us with gifts. Jill Souter will be seeking your names. We will also have fellowship as we have Supper It is our custom to raise money for MRDF – now called ‘All we Can’, and we will do so again through the supper and envelopes for those not able to be there. There will also be an opportunity for us to give thanks for the creative talents that God has bestowed upon us… with our display based on the theme of the RAINBOW… Sue will be glad to speak to you and receive your items. On the Sunday, we will dedicate the Shoeboxes and Packets.