Thursday 25 September 2014, 18:00 - 19:15

We are a Christian club for primary school children in years 3 to 6. We meet every Thursday during term-time at Peasedown Methodist Church, from 6 till 7.15pm and can accommodate up to 30 children. We do ask for a weekly subscription of £1 per week for each child to help cover costs.

All leaders and helpers have CRB disclosures as well as being part of the Church family. We are committed to offering each child a varied weekly programme within a safe, nurturing environment.

Sessions include warm-up games, music, crafts, team games and an object lesson with a Christian message, all squeezed into 1 and a quarter hours of non-stop activity! Children are divided into teams and weekly points result in prizes for the winning team at the end of each term. Every half term we have a Special Night which may be a film on the big screen, a themed evening or competitive games, usually of the messy kind!

For more information please visit our website or ring one of the contacts below:


Karen Smith (Leader) 01761 434320
Nick Martin (Assistant Leader) 01761 434045